
Showing posts from June, 2024

Planting Seeds [Proper 6B - Mark 4:26-34]

  The Rt. Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Mark 4:26-34   Planting seeds All Saints’, Hoosick   In 2020, during the height of the early pandemic, I decided to plant a garden.   Not very original, I know, but my wife has a gluten allergy and so bread-baking was pretty much off the table, and I am too cheap to buy a Peloton bike.   And so, I tended to a garden.   My first year was fairly successful.   I grew more spinach than we could possibly eat; the basil was fresh and delicious; my oldest son devoured the cherry tomatoes.   It was not a large garden; it did not solely sustain us through the ravages of the first year of the pandemic (I still had to buy and sanitize groceries), but I found the routine of my garden rewarding and the fruits of my labors fulfilling.     And then year two arrived.   I planted that second garden as life was reemerging.   The vaccine was available.   Masks were the norm; groceries no longer required Lysol.   Things were returning to some kind of