Abram's Doubt [Lent 2C - Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18]
The Rt. Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 Abram’s Doubt Trinity, Plattsburgh This is not the first time Abram has heard this promise – the one we find in today’s Genesis reading. He left his country and kindred to follow this very promise – a promise that he chased like a distant horizon. Once upon a time, his life was normal, stable. And then this mesmerizing, strange God changed his life – stole him away from his birthright, his plans, from the moon gods of his youth and his people. This new God saw into his heart, spoke to his deepest longings. And so, like the disciples on the beach, Abram left everything. Through deserts and danger, he pursued the promise and yet still, beneath the big, starry sky, he seemed no closer to its fulfillment. The visions kept happening. But still there was no evidence. Every month, with the moon, came a reminder that Sarai was again not preg...