A Beautiful Mystery [Lent 4A]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson John 9:1-41 A Beautiful Mystery In her book, Christianity for the Rest of Us, Diana Butler Bass shares an experience writer and Episcopalian Phyllis Tickle had while speaking to a large crowd at one of our Southern cathedrals: “[After her talk,] during the question-and-answer period, someone asked what she thought about the Virgin Birth. As such questions...do, this one devolved into a discussion of whether the Virgin Birth was a matter of scientific and historical fact. As the discussion got more heated, Phyllis noticed that a young man, about seventeen years old, who was helping set up refreshments...had stopped his work to listen. She could see him...listening intently to the exchange. When she closed her lecture, he came up to talk with her privately. 'Ma'am,' he said politely, 'there's something I don't understand.' In her...generous way, Phyllis asked him, 'What don't you understand?' She ...