The Good People at the Back of the Line [Proper 21A]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Matthew 21:23-32 The Good People at the Back of the Line By what authority? Who gave him this authority? Who asks those questions? Who would dare question Jesus' authority? He's Jesus. He doesn't need permission. He doesn't need some random dude to sign off on his actions – no matter how wild or crazy those actions may be. He's Jesus – the Messiah – God Incarnate. How dare anyone challenge his authority? I mean, can you imagine? Actually, let's imagine. Let's imagine a church – a large church – a successful church – a nice, big, money-making church with influential pastors. A job-creating, economic hub of a church. Maybe it's one of those well-marketed mega-churches. And let's imagine a charismatic drifter strolls in on a busy Sunday and starts overturning the merch tables, starts chucking the fancy coffee, sets the food court on fire, and pour...