How do you say, Christ Will Come Again? [Advent 1B]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Mark 13:24-37 How do you say, Christ will come again? How do you say it? How do you say, “Christ will come again”? Christ Will come again!? Or Christ will come again? Or Christ will come again ? Or do you whisper it so that no one thinks you are weird? Or is it a question: Will Christ come again? And then there is that context thing. Here, in church, it feels normal to say “Christ will come again.” Everyone says it together. It is a thing we do every Sunday. We are Christians; we declare Christ's return. But on a street corner, in downtown, while holding a megaphone, it does not feel quite as normal. In a private conversation, at a bar, at a party, as a pick-up line, going door-to-door, it is not necessarily the most comfortable thing to say. Or to hear. Do you really want to get stuck in a conversation with the guy who wants to tell ...