125 Years: A Love Letter [Easter 4B]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Easter 4B 4-26-2015 125 Years: A Love Letter The year was 1890. And the Christians of Trinity Episcopal Church, in Toledo, Ohio, recognized a need in their city. On the outskirts of town, over by the wagon wheel factory and the train tracks, was a neighborhood made up of immigrants and the working poor. It was a place in need of some Good News. And so plans were set in motion: to establish a mission, to call together a worshiping community, to share the love of Jesus. On the afternoon of April 27, 1890, the fourth Sunday of the Easter season, the Rector of Trinity, their choirmaster and choir, and members of the congregation, carried their Prayer Books and hymnals all the way to the edge of the city to lead the very first Episcopal liturgy in the area then known as Auburndale. God called and they responded. They took a chance. They planted a seed. They called that seed St. Andrew's. ...