Seeing Miracles [Proper 26C]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Luke 19:1-10 Seeing Miracles Where's the miracle? Before Jesus entered Jericho he had done some pretty spectacular works – showstopping stuff. He healed lepers. He restored the crippled. His touch made the sick well. He cast out demons and renewed tortured minds. He even raised the dead, brought dearly departed people back to life. And just before today's story, in the previous tale found in Luke's Gospel, Jesus made a blind man see. And when he wasn't performing some miraculous healing, Jesus was blowing minds with his profound teachings. He told brilliant parables. He bestowed timeless wisdom. He challenged the entrenched religious and political systems in clever and often devastating ways. But now he walks into Jericho and he sees Zacchaeus. And no one is miraculously healed. And there is no amazing sermon. But there is some controversy – which is, I guess, the other thing Jesus does well ...