Word and Example [Proper 21B]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Mark 9:38-50 Word and Example As I stand here in this pulpit, and look out over this crowd of people, one thing is clear to me: no one in this room is a biblical literalist. There are many reasons for which I am glad about that, not the least of which is the disturbingly graphic Gospel passage we heard this very morning, with all its lopped off limbs and plucked out eyes. This is probably one of the few passages that really draws a hard line in the sand for aspiring literalists, the other being the one about giving all of one’s money to the poor. I am an Episcopal priest these days, living in a denominational land where biblical literalism is scarcely found. But I grew up in the Pentecostal tradition and so I know a thing or two about Biblical literalism. This will give you an idea of that landscape: I was once warned that if I did not take everything in the Bible literally I was calling the entire Bible a lie. ...