Seeing the Beautiful [Acts 6 & 7 - St. Stephen's Day]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Acts 6-7 Seeing the Beautiful I must admit: sometimes I forget to see beautiful in this world, this same world that God created and calls good. I forget that every thing, every single thing, that surrounds me is amazing, impossibly intricate, carefully crafted, a product of impossible divine love. This entire world, our island home, is just covered in the stardust-y fingerprints of our ancient Creator. And so in that sense: is saturated through and through with the beauty of holiness. And somehow, most of the time, I miss it; I fail to see it. I forget to see beautiful in this world. Maybe it’s because I’m too focused on my calendar, too worried about my task list, too concerned with my routine. Maybe it’s because the headlines are so packed with atrocities that it seems impossible for there to be enough room in this world for goodness. Maybe because the history of our species is written...