The Wind [Pentecost - Acts 2:1-21]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Acts 2:1-21 The Wind They immediately noticed the mighty, rushing wind because, generally speaking, a mighty, rushing wind does not happen indoors. That is why that wind was so noteworthy, why we are still talking about it so many centuries later. It was impossible – and yet it happened. There were no ceiling fans wobbling above their flaming heads in the first century. There were no industrial strength hair dryers blowing in the upper room. There was no David Watts standing over a smoking thurible with his gigantic fireplace bellow in that ancient gathering place. They were inside; and that is not where one typically finds a violent breeze. Inside, behind closed doors, is not where a mighty, rushing wind even belongs. It doesn’t work. It is simply too disruptive. It messes things up. It stirs the curtains and twists the sheets. A mighty, rushing wind rustles the pag...