
Showing posts from June, 2020

Being Jesus [Proper 8A - Matthew 10:40-42]

The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Matthew 10:40-42 Being Jesus Just down the hill from my apartment building, through a small but dense wood, there was an Episcopal Church.   I did not know much about the Episcopal Church at that time.   But I did possess a Book of Common Prayer – and so, I was intrigued.   One morning, during my first year of seminary, I decided to visit that church.   I made my way through the trees, past the playground, across the spacious parking lot, to one of the building’s many thick, wooden doors. Being that this was an Episcopal Church building, it looked to me like a castle, the door like something out of the middle ages.   I pulled the door open, hoping the random door I chose was the correct choice.   See, there were no clear glass windows in this section of the building – neither in the door, nor looking into the worship space.   It was a guessing game.   As the door swung open, I saw there before m...

The Stubborn Insistence at the Heart of Hospitality [Proper 6A - Genesis 18:1-15]

The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Genesis 18:1-15 The Stubborn Insistence at the Heart of Hospitality Don’t be distracted by that 90 year old pregnant woman.   Try, if it is possible, not to focus too much on the centenarian who just received some rather unexpected news.   Yes, I admit, it is difficult; there are plenty of unanswered questions hanging over this text from Genesis; many perplexing images conjured by this strange story; some disturbingly suggestive euphemisms included in this tale.   Those of you who participate in our Wednesday Parish Bible Study know that I never shy from the peculiar parts of the Bible; in fact, I rather enjoy studying those sections that make one squirm a bit.   Typically, I encourage people to reflect very deeply on biblical texts, to really think about them, to dive into the details.   But today, might I ask that you think outside the womb. And instead allow your curiosity to be piqued by these mysterious strang...