Keep Awake [Advent 1B - Mark 13:24-37]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Mark 13:24-37 Keep Awake For Lincoln, Nebraska businessman, Robert Kay the fourth time was the charm. His first three attempts to summit Mount Everest had ended in disappointment; the fourth in pinnacular triumph. But reaching the “roof of the world” is never the end of the story. The final goal is getting back home. And the most dangerous part of the entire expedition is after the apex, between the peak and the base of the mountain. The most important thing one must do is keep awake during the decent back through the “Death Zone.” And too often climbers do not. “It was like watching a character die in a television show, Robert Kay said [in a story reported on Nebraska’s NPR network.] Except it was real. Kay thought he was dying. ‘It was a detached sensation,’ he recalled. ‘I didn’t feel scared or upset. I know where [and] when I'm going to die and it's right he...