What Would You Not Do for Love? [Epiphany 4B - 1 Corinthians 8:1-13]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 What would YOU not do for love? What would you not do for love? That is the question. More specifically: would you not eat the meat, you know, for love’s sake? The Apostle Paul posed this question to the Christians in Corinth: are you willing to say no to some delicious idol meat – not the flesh of idols, of course, but animal flesh first offered to idols – if it really mattered to the person in the next pew? That is the question of this morning’s epistle reading. And people think the Bible isn’t relevant to our lives… Probably you have had this very conversation with your friends a hundred times. Likely a cousin has blocked you on facebook because of your out-spoken opinion on this very touchy tenderloin topic. Perhaps a little background information would be helpful. In the first century, Corinth was a prominent city within the Roman Empire...