Finding Yourself in the Story [Epiphany 3C - Luke 4:14-21]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Epiphany 3C 1-23-22 Luke 4:14-21 Finding Yourself in the Story What happens immediately before today’s Gospel story is that the Devil tries to convince Jesus to throw himself off of the pinnacle of the Temple. What happens immediately after today’s Gospel story is that the people with whom Jesus grew up try to throw him off a cliff. In between those two assassination attempts, Jesus took his turn as a lector. And, I’m not saying this is the point of the Gospel, but maybe those who read this morning should avoid steep heights, for at least the rest of the day. Forty days: that is how long Jesus was alone in the wilderness. Well, not exactly alone; I’m sure there were singing birds and curious beasts and also there was a very chatty and conniving Devil. But there were no friends, and perhaps more significantly, no food. And so Jesus returned to Galilee like a college freshman comi...