What if we try it? [Epiphany 7C - Luke 6:27-38]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Luke 6:27-38 What if we try it? What if it doesn’t work? What if you try it, try everything that Jesus asks of his followers in today’s Gospel, every single thing, and it doesn’t work? What if you walk this way of love, give your heart to this crazy code of ethics, do all of these hard things that no one really wants to do, and the world is still is mess? What if you try it, and it doesn’t work? Today’s Gospel is what Jesus says to those who made it through the woes. You might remember last week’s Gospel; it was the Lukan version of the beatitudes. You might also remember that after all of the more memorable happy blessings at the beginning of that little sermon, Jesus issues a series of woes that are decidedly less pleasant than what precedes them. And that probably is why he opens this portion of the sermon by basically saying, “And now for those who are still listening, here are so...