Show Up [Easter 2022 - John 20:1-18]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson John 20:1-18 Show Up There was no hope on the first Easter morning. Just dark skies and heavy hearts and the stubborn shadow of the cross. And a lonely woman carrying spices and ointments to the place where they laid her dearest friend to rest. There was no hope on the dusty road that she traveled. It was a road of sorrows, made muddy by the tears of too many mourners. The road led to death, to a valley of dry bones and faded memories. And no amount of beautiful flowers or well-manicured trees or impressive monuments could disguise the fact that Mary was lugging her oppressive grief and her broken heart to a cemetery. There was no hope in that empty tomb. It was not a cause for joy on that first Easter morning; it was a symbol of the emptiness Mary felt. It was yet another reason to weep, until even her tear ducts were emptied out. When she saw the th...