First [Acts 6 & 7 - St. Stephen's Day]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Acts 6 & 7 First Once upon a time, in the early days of social media, there developed a most peculiar practice. This practice was quite common back when MySpace ruled the web and facebook was just beginning to venture beyond the boundaries of college campuses. Now, in these later days of social media, the peculiar practice seems to have all but faded from existence, but for a time it was all the rage. Perhaps you remember that long ago, in the days before dial-up, a common person would have very little, if any, direct contact with a celebrity, excepting of course the chance encounter at a Hollywood diner or perhaps a signed response to an earnest fan letter. Anything beyond that though came through traditional media – television, magazines, the radio, town crier. But social media changed that; celebrities could now share messages directly with their fans and fans could respond immediately to th...