A New Beginning [Lent 4A - I Samuel 16:1-13]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson I Samuel 16:1-13 A New Beginning This is a story of new beginnings: a new beginning for a young shepherd boy; a new beginning for a nation; a new beginning for an old weathered prophet; even a new beginning for God. But in this story, like in most stories, new beginnings don’t come easy. They are shadowed by endings. And they rarely emerge from anything other than at least a touch of grief. It was Samuel who had, years earlier, anointed a gangly kid from the tribe of Benjamin. Saul was tall and handsome – so he had the look – but he was from a poor family, and a bit awkward, certainly not the most obvious royal choice. But he was the one God chose. And Samuel was in the business of hearing and doing God’s word and so he anointing him as king – the first king of Israel. And so you can perhaps understand that the prophet, Samuel, was invested. Long before he m...