Do Not Be Afraid [Great Vigil of Easter - Mark 16:1-8]
The Rt. Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Mark 16:1-8 Do Not Be Afraid The Cathedral of All Saints, Albany, NY Of course they were afraid. This is a scary world. You heard tonight’s Scriptures. In this world, though created good, predators stalk gardens of paradise, even Eden. In this world, the innocent are enslaved and pursued to the point of hopelessness. In this world, exiles long for home, sometimes long for what is left of home. In this world, the path to the tomb can be treacherous and, because the shadows are so long, people have to travel in groups. Even in the pages of the Scriptures. Even in the earliest hours of Easter. And then there is death. In this world. In the Easter Scriptures. These women, the ones who walked to the tomb, they carried spices. The spices were their gift for the dead, to cover the unpleasantness, and to give distraction to their unpleasa...