What we like (and dislike) about God [Proper 20A - Jonah 3:10-4:11]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson
Jonah 3:10-4:11
What we like (and dislike) about God
I’m a priest; my wife is a pastor; my children are PKs twice
over; and so we have, in our home, a number of Children’s Bibles. And all of them include the story of
Jonah. Well, excerpts from the story of
Jonah; definitely not the whole story.
Most of them begin with Jonah running in the opposite direction; they always
include the big fish, from belly to beach; and they typically conclude with the
happy ending of the book: when the people of Ninevah repent and are saved –
because of Jonah. They never include this part of the story: the part where
Jonah is mad because God refuses to kill all the people. The true ending of Jonah, what we heard this
morning, never makes the cut.
This is, admittedly, not Jonah’s finest moment; he does not
make a great impression in today’s passage – which is the conclusion of the
book that bears his name. Finally, there is no redemptive moment for Jonah. In this
passage he says some pretty cringe-worthy things; he even builds his own
personal grandstand so that he has a good view of what he hopes will be the decimation
of an entire city. If it wasn’t clear: in this passage, Jonah is desperately praying
for 120,000 people to die. And he is furious when they do not. It’s not a great
At the beginning of the story,
Jonah famous runs in the opposite direction.
God calls him to go to the people of Ninevah and he refuses. But, to a certain extent, it is
understandable because God is not terribly convincing at the beginning of the
story. God says, “Go at once to Ninevah
and cry out against it because the wickedness of that city is unprecedented; it’s
just the worst; it’s a terrible place.” Like
I said, not a great pitch. At that point
in the story, it seemed like fear was the reason Jonah tried to avoid this
divine mission. And in a way, I guess it
was. Not fear of the wickedness or the
evil people, though. Jonah was afraid
that if he went and did his job, God would spare the people. And Jonah didn’t want that.
Perhaps the most stunning line in
this book is also found at the end of today's psalm. You will see that context makes a huge
difference here. Our psalm today ends:
“The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and of great
kindness.” It is the final line of a
hymn of praise. It is a beautiful
acknowledgment of the goodness of God.
It is the Gospel.
That beautiful line of praise from
the psalm becomes Jonah’s prayer. Only
he doesn't mean it as a compliment. It
is an accusation, a bitter complaint.
After Jonah confronts the sinful city and the people repent and God
decides not to punish them, Jonah angrily confronts God, saying, “O Lord! Is
not this what I said while I was still in my own country? That is why I fled;
for I knew that you are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger, and
abounding in steadfast love, and ready to relent from punishing. I wish you would just kill me now.” And then he goes and finds a seat and waits
and hopes that God might once again have a change of mind and destroy those
terrible people of Nineveh.
The prophet’s hatred is suffocating;
it takes one’s breath away. But, I
should tell you, the situation is complicated.
You see, God had the audacity to send Jonah into enemy territory. During that time, Jonah's people were living
under the savage rule of the Assyrian Empire.
Miguel de la Torre graphically describes how the Assyrians treated the
nations they conquered: “If enemies [of the Assyrians] resisted surrender
during the siege of their city, once defeated, the population would be horribly
mutilated and slaughtered. Their houses
and towns would be torn down and burned, and the flayed skins of their corpses
prominently displayed on stakes: a strong warning to others who might think of
resisting. Public amusement was provided by leading survivors by a leash
attached to a ring inserted through their lip. Vanquished nobles were paraded
through the city of Nineveh with the decapitated heads of their princes hanging
around their necks while merry tunes were played to entertain the public. Is it any wonder that the Hebrews despised
the people of the empire?”[1] And Nineveh, the city to which Jonah is sent,
it was the capital of that empire.
So now, perhaps, you understand why
Jonah was so angry. He wanted the people
who had abused and killed and humiliated his friends and family to get what
they deserved. He wanted to sit and
watch as that horrible city burned to the ground.
And God didn’t do it. And in one furious and honest prayer, Jonah
laments God's mercy. Because it went too
far. And he knew it would. And Jonah weeps because he was the one, the instrument
by which God saved his enemies.
Jonah wanted to see the bullets fly. He wanted the poison to pump through their
veins. He wanted to watch as they gasped
for air. He wanted them to get what they
deserved. And they don’t.
In this story, 120,000 people are
saved. God shows them mercy even though
they in no way deserve it. God's love overwhelms
the violence and evil that were branded on the soul of that city. And isn't that the Good News: that God is
merciful and abounding in steadfast love – a love that conquers even hatred and
death? Isn't that the Good News: that
God loves us even though we don’t deserve it?
But that’s the thing about Good
News; it is always a matter of perspective.
God is merciful and abounding in steadfast love. But that's not just praise; it is also
accusation; and it is also complaint. Because
God, the God who loves us, also loves our enemies and those who hurt us and
those who do terrible things in this world.
I think it’s the case that everything
we love about God, all the things we celebrate, are the same things that will
at some point break our hearts. Because,
like Jonah, we know God; we know God is too merciful and too loving.
And that means that we, like Jonah,
will spend our lives coming to terms with this God who so brazenly violates our
sense of fairness. And when we lament God's mercy, and we will, God will be
merciful with us. And when we rail against God's love, God will love us. And
when we sit in our pain and heartbreak and anger and rage against God and God’s
ridiculous goodness, God will patiently hear us out. Because, whether we like
it or not, that's just how God is.
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