Suffering and Hope [Romans 5:1-5 - Trinity Sunday C]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson Romans 5:1-5 Suffering and Hope Candy Land, a game “lovingly” described on Wikipedia as requiring, “no reading…minimal counting skills [and] no strategy,” is a wonderfully accessible way to introduce even the youngest of children to the timeless idea of journey. It is true that the Candy Land journey is a bit more simplistic than the journey through life – all laid out as it is in a predictably static two dimensions. But while the path on the board is clear, every trip has its own challenges. At times the cards you draw will set you off in the direction of your goal; at others times there are setbacks and slowdowns in the cards. You might be forced to retrace your steps a time or two; your plastic child could at times get stuck in some sticky sugar for a turn. But what is always true is that the road begins at the Cupcake Commons, runs past the Lollypop Woods, and ends at the Promised Land of Candy C...