What do we do with this fire? [Acts 2:1-21 - Pentecost A]
The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson
Acts 2:1-21
What do we do with this fire?
What do we do with this fire?
Breaking into locked spaces
Scorching one-hundred and twenty faces
Undermining homeostasis
In the upper room
Where they were waiting
It blew in on the breeze
At first among them
And then on them
Living lighters
Just milling about
Each saw one hundred and nineteen fires
The others’ fires
Spotlighting the frenzied faces
of friends and fellows
Each person saw mant,
but felt just one,
one tongue of flame
And one was enough
You don’t need to see what can be felt
It’s like faith
But in the hair
On the scalp
Like a burning bush:
Consumed but not consumed
To the days of silent prayer
And talking
And pacing
And waiting
Waiting for something
To come down from the skies
Like the angels promised
But not this
No one expected this:
To be set ablaze
These stubborn believers
The ones who would not accept the evidence
Found life in the empty tomb
Still able to see God through the gaping nail holes
Waiting and waiting while the world moved on
Waiting and waiting for the manifestation of a promise
One made by angels
As the one they loved, dead and yet alive, floated from sight
Before the sun came up
And the fire fell
They were the sleeping seeds of a latent movement
Still below the surface
Where things are quiet
And dark
Including the future
waiting not for water
but for that fire
A house fire that left the house untouched
A bonfire floating in midair
A scorching predator with an appetite for human flesh
Or human hair
Zombies with flamethrowers
searching for brains
but experienced
Definitely experienced
And so intensely.
Flames dancing on heads
The tongues of angels
The tongues of dragons
The breath of God
Not coming down slowly, gently from the clouds
But on the rush of a violent wind
Riding and then resting
Burning but not consuming
Each one out the door
Into the streets
To find what?
a watery well, a babbling brook, a garden hose?
No, not to extinguish
But to spread
To let this new fire devour the oxygen
In the air outside
Beyond the walls of a stifling room
Beyond the confines of a hideout
Like breaking through the ground
Locked doors, unlocked
And then opened
Where they could find
Fuel for their flames
Bursting from the door
A holy backdraft
In search of heads
More heads
Desperate to become a wildfire
In an urban landscape
The people became the flame
Joined forces with the fire
Sanctified pyromaniacs
Looking to set the world ablaze
To watch it burn
To burn it down
To burn it down
To watch it burn
The final remnants of an old dispensation
Burn it down
To see what might grow up
From the ashes
From the charred remains
Of an old world
An old world built on striped backs
And violent intentions
A fire to spread
Across the abandoned ruins
Of a thousand impervious empires
Through the kindling
Of brutal nations
With their brutal rulers
Their unjust laws
And their vicious gods
Interested only in war and prosperity
A fire to set things right
Finally and forever
A fire to clear the way
For a new kingdom
A better kingdom
A kingdom governed by the Law of Love
A kingdom built on an economy of Mercy
A kingdom that burns with zeal for justice
And a passion for peace
A kingdom ruled by the one who shattered the terrors of Hell
And set the captives free
And baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire
A kingdom without end
Make straight the paths
For the wind is blowing in
Not in a room
But in a world
In a tinderbox world
In need of Holy Spirit
In desperate pursuit of visions and dreams
That make sense
That bring life
That spark hope
In need of young and old
And middle-aged
Those with eyes to see a new day
Who willingly wear fire on their heads
Dreams in their hearts
Consumed but not consumed
Pentecost people
What do we do with this fire?
We let it spread
Watch it burn
Clear the ground
And from the ashes
With our dancing flames
And daring dreams
We finally welcome
God’s Kingdom come.
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